Title: Santa Baby (2006) Genres: Animation, Comedy, Fantasy Description: Mary Class is a highly successful business executive - who just happens to be the daughter of Santa Claus. But when her father falls ill, Mary returns to the North Pole and the life she left behind to take over for her dad and implement her innovative ideas for running Christmas. [b]
2.7 GB | 02:12:06 | mkv | 1280X720 | 16:9 | 1516 Kbps ,Channels :6 Language:Spanish Genres:: Drama,Mystery,Thriller iMDB info A man searches for his father, Pedro Páramo, in a town doomed by violence and the fury of a frustrated love.
12.44 GB | 01:28:50 | mkv | 3840X2080 | 1.846:1 | 19461 Kbps ,Channels :6 Language:English Genres:: Comedy,Drama iMDB info An 18th birthday mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott face-to-face with her wisecracking 39-year-old self. But when Elliott's "old ass" starts handing out warnings about what her younger self should and shouldn't do, Elliott realizes she has to rethink everything about family, love, and what's becoming a transformative summer.
[center]What The Jatt (2015) [1080p] [WEBRip] [YTS MX]
IMDB information:
Title: What the Jatt!! (2015) Genres: Comedy Description: What the Jatt, is a nerve tickling adventurous comedy film about a young aspiring actor Raj and his best friend Fateh, who hail from a village in Punjab. During their efforts to achieve their dreams they find themselves in hilarious situations that lead to a chain of unexpected events. [b]
[center]My Old Ass 2024 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5.1 Atmos H 264-FLUX
IMDB information:
Title: My Old Ass (2024) Genres: Comedy Description: A mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott face-to-face with her 39-year-old self. But when Elliott's "old ass" delivers warnings to her younger self, Elliott realizes she has to rethink everything about her family, life and love. [b]
9.67 GB | 01:28:50 | mkv | 3840X2080 | 1.846:1 | 14996 Kbps ,Channels :6 Language:English Genres:: Comedy,Drama iMDB info An 18th birthday mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott face-to-face with her wisecracking 39-year-old self. But when Elliott's "old ass" starts handing out warnings about what her younger self should and shouldn't do, Elliott realizes she has to rethink everything about family, love, and what's becoming a transformative summer.
[center]My Old Ass 2024 720p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5.1 Atmos H 264-FLUX
IMDB information:
Title: My Old Ass (2024) Genres: Comedy Description: A mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott face-to-face with her 39-year-old self. But when Elliott's "old ass" delivers warnings to her younger self, Elliott realizes she has to rethink everything about her family, life and love. [b]
What the Jatt is a nerve tickling adventurous comedy film about a young aspiring actor Raj and his best friend Fateh, who hail from a village in Punjab. During their efforts to achieve their dreams they find themselves in hilarious situations that lead to a chain of unexpected events. One mishap after another leads them to posing as detectives, to film makers to what not, creating mayhem of confusion and laugh riots. But like true Jatts, they overcome all challenges and emerge as winners!
Title: Intacto (2001) Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance Description: An enigmatic tale of four incredibly lucky people whose lives are intertwined by destiny are subject to the laws of fate. They discover that they cannot afford to be without luck as they gamble with the highest stakes possible in a deadly game. [b]
791.12 MB | 01:26:01 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9 Language:English Genres:: TV Movie, Comedy, Family iMDB info
Mary Class is a highly successful business executive - who just happens to be the daughter of Santa Claus. But when her father falls ill, Mary returns to the North Pole and the life she left behind to take over for her dad and implement her innovative ideas for running Christmas.
1.85 GB | 01:50:50 | mp4 | 1920X1038 | 1.85:1 Language:English Genres:: Comedy, Drama iMDB info
Maya is a quick-witted young woman who comes over the Mexican border without papers and makes her way to the LA home of her older sister Rosa. Rosa gets Maya a job as a janitor: a non-union janitorial service has the contract, the foul-mouthed supervisor can fire workers on a whim, and the service-workers' union has assigned organizer Sam Shapiro to bring its "justice for janitors" campaign to the building. Sam finds Maya a willing listener, she's also attracted to him. Rosa resists, she has an ailing husband to consider. The workers try for public support; management intimidates workers to divide and conquer. Rosa and Maya as well as workers and management may be set to collide.
[center]My Old Ass 2024 1080p WEB H264-AcplishedYak
IMDB information:
Title: My Old Ass (2024) Genres: Comedy Description: A mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott face-to-face with her 39-year-old self. But when Elliott's "old ass" delivers warnings to her younger self, Elliott realizes she has to rethink everything about her family, life and love. [b]
A group of people traveling on a stagecoach find their journey complicated by the threat of Geronimo, and learn something about each other in the process.
[center]Bread And Roses (2000) [1080p] [BluRay] [YTS MX]
IMDB information:
Title: Bread and Roses (2000) Genres: Drama Description: Maya is a quick-witted young woman who comes over the Mexican border without papers and makes her way to the LA home of her older sister Rosa. Rosa gets Maya a job as a janitor: a non-union janitorial service has the contract, the foul-mouthed supervisor can fire workers on a whim, and the service-workers' union has assigned organizer Sam Shapiro to bring its "justice for janitors" campaign to the building. Sam finds Maya a willing listener, she's also attracted to him. Rosa resists, she has an ailing husband to consider. The workers try for public support; management intimidates workers to divide and conquer. Rosa and Maya as well as workers and management may be set to collide. [b]
[center]Cirque Du Soleil Corteo (2006) [1080p] [BluRay] [5.1] [YTS MX]
IMDB information:
Title: Cirque du Soleil: Corteo (2006) Genres: Family, Fantasy, Musical Description: A grand procession and festive parade imagined by a clown with awesome acrobatics. A theatrical world of comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. Corteo reveals the strength and fragility of a clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. [b]
[center]What The Jatt (2015) [720p] [WEBRip] [YTS MX]
IMDB information:
Title: What the Jatt!! (2015) Genres: Comedy Description: What the Jatt, is a nerve tickling adventurous comedy film about a young aspiring actor Raj and his best friend Fateh, who hail from a village in Punjab. During their efforts to achieve their dreams they find themselves in hilarious situations that lead to a chain of unexpected events. [b]
Title: Vaazhai (2024) Genres: Mystery Description: A twelve-year-old boy, Sivanandhan, his mother, sister, and friend navigate life's challenges, where a plantain tree, Vaazhai, becomes a central presence. [b]
What the Jatt is a nerve tickling adventurous comedy film about a young aspiring actor Raj and his best friend Fateh, who hail from a village in Punjab. During their efforts to achieve their dreams they find themselves in hilarious situations that lead to a chain of unexpected events. One mishap after another leads them to posing as detectives, to film makers to what not, creating mayhem of confusion and laugh riots. But like true Jatts, they overcome all challenges and emerge as winners!
1018.81 MB | 01:50:50 | mp4 | 1280X692 | 1.85:1 Language:English Genres:: Comedy, Drama iMDB info
Maya is a quick-witted young woman who comes over the Mexican border without papers and makes her way to the LA home of her older sister Rosa. Rosa gets Maya a job as a janitor: a non-union janitorial service has the contract, the foul-mouthed supervisor can fire workers on a whim, and the service-workers' union has assigned organizer Sam Shapiro to bring its "justice for janitors" campaign to the building. Sam finds Maya a willing listener, she's also attracted to him. Rosa resists, she has an ailing husband to consider. The workers try for public support; management intimidates workers to divide and conquer. Rosa and Maya as well as workers and management may be set to collide.
[center]Bread And Roses (2000) [720p] [BluRay] [YTS MX]
IMDB information:
Title: Bread and Roses (2000) Genres: Drama Description: Maya is a quick-witted young woman who comes over the Mexican border without papers and makes her way to the LA home of her older sister Rosa. Rosa gets Maya a job as a janitor: a non-union janitorial service has the contract, the foul-mouthed supervisor can fire workers on a whim, and the service-workers' union has assigned organizer Sam Shapiro to bring its "justice for janitors" campaign to the building. Sam finds Maya a willing listener, she's also attracted to him. Rosa resists, she has an ailing husband to consider. The workers try for public support; management intimidates workers to divide and conquer. Rosa and Maya as well as workers and management may be set to collide. [b]